KB Book of the Day, Sale, Giveaway, Upcoming Events

A few announcements today!  If you go over to the Kindle Boards, you'll find lots of great books and discussions among both authors and readers.  Blue Bells of Scotland is Book of the Day today.  It is currently on sale for .99 on your Kindle, from now until the end of January, so now's a great time to get your copy!

My January giveaway also continues until the 31st.  Smashwords is another great resource for avid readers.  You can get your e-books in a variety of electronic formats there, and a great selection for very low prices, or even free.  Most books have a sample feature in which you can read several opening chapters.  I will be doing a drawing January 31st for a free smashwords edition of Blue Bells of Scotland.  All you need to do to enter is become a follower of my blog.  Look in the right sidebar and click follow.  Easy!  To be safe, leave a comment with contact information, so I can let you know if you won.

A few days ago, I came across what sounded like a fascinating book about time travel, Island of Secrets, by Tammie Gibbs.  (Me, fascinated by time travel?  Surprise!)  I contacted the author, who graciously sent me a review copy.  I'm looking forward to finishing the book, and will be posting a review.  Tammie will also be joining us with a guest blog and interview!  Stay tuned. 

In the meantime, many people are asking when Book 2 of the Blue Bells Trilogy is coming out. Where am I with it?  In one last edit before sending off for proofs.  Those will then be edited.  Very specifically, I am, right now, this very morning, in the chapel of the Thieving MacDougalls, in the west of Scotland, where somebody is about to get a shock by hearing a mysterious voice from the confessional which has been empty for centuries.  (Cue minor chords!)  I had fun with this scene and learned quite a bit, while researching, about the various structure of medieval churches, to boot!

And the question remains: whose cattle were those, anyway?


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