Poetry: Anthology and Resources

2020's Poetry Anthology: NATURE

Scroll down for our poetry resources pages

Gabriel’s Horn seeks poetry for an annual anthology. We are looking for poetry that is: 
  • written with form, structure, rhythm, and rhyme scheme (traditional forms such as sonnets, triolets, etc serve well)
  • positive, uplifting, and inspirational
  • in particular with a focus on faith and family and this year's theme of NATURE
$3 submission fee for up to 5 poems. 

Poets will receive:
  • $10 per published poem sonnet length or longer (14 lines or more)
  • $5 for shorter poems (13 lines and under)
  • 1 free copy of the anthology to each poet.
We expect to publish approximately 50 to 60 poems in each anthology.

DEADLINE: March 20, 2020

We plan to publish in May of 2020.

To submit your poetry, click the button below:

Get our 2019 anthology, Startled by JOY 

featuring Thomas R. Smith and Dan Blum:

Click on images/link to go directly to purchase.




Traditional Poetry Forms:


Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet
English or Shakespearian Sonnet
Spencerian Sonnet

Triolet and Associated Forms



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