My Gypsy War Diary

Dear Readers,

Today, I welcome Shawn D. Brink, my fellow Gabriel's Horn author, who has been here before talking about his Space Between series. 

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And now, welcome back, Shawn D. Brink!

Q. Tell us a little bit about your book.

My Gypsy War Diary is a suspense thriller novel set in Norfolk, Nebraska: 

Where is Milo's Bible, the intruders demanded.ā€ÆThey came under cover of darkness, their guns pointed at my elderly neighbor and only friend.ā€Æ And with the break in, an old story came out--young love, betrayal, blackmail, a treasure stolen and stolen again, a tale of vengeance and a life lived in secret.ā€Æ  I was just a kid in the 70s, unable to sit still in school, living in my imaginary world of TV and movies.ā€Æ And now this betrayal from half a century ago threatened my life, as I found myself caught between hidden treasure and a band of gypsies who would stop at nothing to get it.  

Q. What excites you most about your bookā€™s topic? Why did you choose it? 

A piece of good advice was once given to me: write about what you know. I grew up in Norfolk Nebraska and was about the age of the main character during the time this story takes place. Although the book is complete fiction, in a way, My Gypsy War Diary represents abstract memories from my own past. 

Q. How long did the book take you from start to finish? 

I wrote this book over the course of about a year.  

Q. What aspect of writing the book did you find particularly challenging? 

It was a challenge to write from the memories of my own past while blending the optimal amount of fiction and suspense in order to keep the reader engaged. The goal, which I feel has been accomplished, is to keep the reader on the edge of their seat from first page to last.  
Q. Did you seek the support of a writerā€™s group or class? 

I did not. Although, I have received support from many writer friends who keep in touch primarily through Facebook and Twitter 

Q. What surprised you the most about the book writing process? 

This is my forth novel so I did not get a lot of surprises this go around. My biggest surprise back when I was newly published was probably the time commitment on the authorā€™s part needed to market a book. I used to think that being a published author meant that you sat on the beach with a drink in one hand, a pen in the other and a pad of paper balanced on your knee. Now I realize that the author must keep his hat in the ring regarding all aspects of the book from writing the book, to organizing events and signings, to advertising, to distribution, etc. ā€“ The more involved the author is, the more success is seen in the sales numbers. 

Q. Did you have any favorite experiences when writing your book? 

The act of writing is in and of itself one of my favorite experiences. For me, itā€™s like a drug. I actually get a buzz from creating worlds and giving characters life. Itā€™s more than a career, it is a passion that at times can border on obsession. 

Q. What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your book? 

The main purpose of my fiction is to entertain. If the readers are entertained, then I have done my job. 

Q. What projects are you currently working on? 

I am working on two supernatural thrillers as well as numerous shorter works. Also, I am scheduled to be in an anthology of devious-themed fiction due to come out in 2019/2020.  

Q. Is writing your sole career? 

It is. I currently write fiction. In addition I work as a copywriter for a marketing company and do some freelance content writing on the side 

Q. What tips would you offer to anyone writing fiction for the first time? 

If you write that first piece and feel a passion for it, then never stop. Continually work at perfecting your craft.  

Q. Did you do any research for your books, or did you write from experience? 

For me itā€™s a combination of both. An apocalyptic thriller trilogy entitled The Space Between represents my first three novels and deals with things like the apocalypse, multiple dimensions, and the occult. If these topics are to be written about in a believable fictional setting, then research is a must. In comparison, My Gypsy War Diary drew less from the research side and more from my personal experience as it was based largely on my memories of growing up in Norfolk Nebraska.  

Q. How did you come up with your title? 

This story is a recounting by the main character about a traumatic experience from his childhood where a band of Gypsies were after him because of a secret they believed he held. So based on that info, My Gypsy War Diary seemed like a fitting title. 

Q. What books have influenced you the most? 

The Bible, The Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis), The Fall of the House of Usher (Edgar Allan Poe), Tick Tock (Dean Koontz), The Stand (Stephen King), This Present Darkness (Frank Peretti), and Bonemanā€™s Daughters (Ted Dekker). Beyond this sampling, the list goes on and on.   

Q. What can we look forward to in your next book? 

Book Blurb for my next book entitled: Pets for Legion, a supernatural thriller - When Sasha James rescues a child from a mysterious assailant, she marks herself as the next target. To survive against this supernatural enemy, she will need to search deeper than the physical, pray for power beyond the natural, and fight like hell. 
Q. Is there anything we havenā€™t covered that you would like to include? 

Just that I am thankful for my growing readership. For those of you that have enjoyed my other novels and shorter works, My Gypsy War Diary will not disappoint.  


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Author Bio:
Shawn D. Brink is currently building a following with four novels to his name, the latest being My Gypsy War Diary (Gabrielā€™s Horn Publishing) which released in 2018. 

In addition, heā€™s had numerous shorter works in various publications and anthologies. 

For a complete list of published works and/or to learn more about Shawnā€™s writing or how to purchase his novels, please go to his website: Shawn is represented by Liverman Literary Agency. 

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The Battle is O'er is now available!
Start from the beginning: Prelude One 
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